“What is a normal blood sugar reading after eating?”
My 18 year old daughter was just diagnosed as having diabetes. I want to know what is a normal blood sugar reading after eating?
3 Answers
It depends, was she diagnosed with type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus? Please discuss her target blood sugars with her endocrinologist.
The answer to this question depends on several factors such as how long after meals we are talking about. In general though we tend to measure post meal BS at 2 hours after the meal. In normal people the BS fasting is between 70-100 and post meal is between 80-125 depending on the times of measurement & what you ate. volume of food & type of food (carbohydrate will bring the BS up faster than protein or fat) ingested will have an enfluence on the post meal blood sugar. Most Dr. today say keep the post-meal BS less than 180 in people with diabetes. I have always taught my patients to keep it less than 150 & I try to keep mine less that 140. Good luck!