Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

What is a surgical tooth extraction?

I am a 33 year old female. I want to know what is a surgical tooth extraction?

3 Answers

A surgical tooth extraction is a procedure where a tooth is removed requiring some or all of the following: incision of the gum tissue, elevation of the adjacent gum tissue, sectioning of the tooth, removal of adjacent bone, placement of stitches or a combination of some or all of these things. Multirooted teeth, fractured teeth, extensively restored teeth, root canal treated teeth, and teeth in very dense bone are generally those that require surgical extraction. I recommend seeing an Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon for such procedures.
Surgical extraction means the tooth needs to be sectioned into 2 or more pieces, the gums need to be cut away to get to the tooth and/or a suture (stitch) is required to close the extraction socket.
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That is when your tooth is removed.