“What is the best painkiller for nerve pain?”
I'm 22 years old, and I have a dead tooth, which is causing me a lot of pain that feels like nerve pain. What's the best painkiller for this? Is Advil fine to use until I get to the dentist?
13 Answers
Sounds like you need a root canal or an extraction. But during the COVID 19 dental restriction times ibuprofen is effective for inflammation and pain. if the pain persists you can take acetaminophen (Tylenol ) at the same time. this generally is effective for dental pain. A combination drug, ibuprofen and acetaminophen is said to be coming out later in the year.
Sorry to hear about your tooth pain. Advil is the brand name for ibuprofen. As long as you do not have any allergies or interactions with advil it should be fine to take in the right dose.
Feel better!
Sorry to hear about your tooth pain. Advil is the brand name for ibuprofen. As long as you do not have any allergies or interactions with advil it should be fine to take in the right dose.
Feel better!
The tooth is infected. So until you treat the tooth whether it be a root canal or extracting it which is taking it out the infection will still persist. Antibiotics will help reduce the infection but will not cure it. I recommend ibuprofen and Tylenol for the pain and when taking them alternate between the two.
Yes. Alleve or Advil are both good if you have no allergy to them, but follow up with your dentist asap
Yes, Advil is one of three over-the-counter pain medications that is very effective for minor to moderate dental tooth pain. The others are extra strength Tylenol and Ibuprofen. Studies have shown the most effective regime would be alternating between extra strength Tylenol (500mg) and ibuprofen(400mg, i.e., 2x200mg tablets). However, do not exceed the maximin daily dose of 4 g of Tylenol and 3.2 g of ibuprofen a day. Therefore, alternating (i.e., not taking both pills together) every 2 hours between Tylenol and Ibuprofen would be less than the daily maximum for either drug. This dosage is for adults. As with any drug, there are contraindications and warnings. People with liver, kidney, asthma, and bleeding problems should not follow these recommendations. The best course of action is to always see your dentist as soon as possible to alleviate the cause of your discomfort and pain.
Hi there,
The answer to your question is yes, over-the-counter Ibuprofen or Tylenol would be the best pain medications for tooth pain, especially ibuprofen. I would recommend taking 600-800 mg every 6-8 hours, respectively until you visit your dental provider. However, please seek care as soon as possible because pain on teeth usually come from infection/cavity and then when the cavity gets big enough then it reaches the nerve and the nerve starts reacting to the infection present and the excruciating pain and discomfort come from that. Therefore, dealing with the source of infection should be essential. Also, because you still feel pain, your nerve on that tooth is still fighting and alive, but the longer the infection stays, the more possibility for the nerve to give up and die.
I hope this helps,
Dr. Azari
The answer to your question is yes, over-the-counter Ibuprofen or Tylenol would be the best pain medications for tooth pain, especially ibuprofen. I would recommend taking 600-800 mg every 6-8 hours, respectively until you visit your dental provider. However, please seek care as soon as possible because pain on teeth usually come from infection/cavity and then when the cavity gets big enough then it reaches the nerve and the nerve starts reacting to the infection present and the excruciating pain and discomfort come from that. Therefore, dealing with the source of infection should be essential. Also, because you still feel pain, your nerve on that tooth is still fighting and alive, but the longer the infection stays, the more possibility for the nerve to give up and die.
I hope this helps,
Dr. Azari
You can take Advil 4 times a day until you see your dentist, but go soon, because a dead tooth is infected. It needs treatment ASAP.
Bruce L. Elkind, DDS, PA
Bruce L. Elkind, DDS, PA
The fact that you are having pain is an indication that your tooth is infected. You stated the tooth is dead. Is there a cavity in your tooth? The nerve, artery and vein system comes out of the roots of your tooth to merge into a larger system. When you have an infection, your body is going to fight it. When you bite down, you are placing pressure on the tooth membranes surrounding your tooth. Does your tooth pain feel like it is throbbing? You need to see your dentist. Advil is an anti-inflammatory agent. Each tablet or capsule has 200mg. Over-the-counter medicines are meant to be that way. Prescription Advil (ibuprofen) is in the 600mg to 800mg range. The directions on the prescription Advil is you take one tablet every eight hours. I have patients call me that they are taking this amount every 2 hours and it's not working. Advil is hard on your stomach and toxic to your kidneys. Your tooth may be getting ready to act up. Patients with tooth pain may have financial concerns, but you have to take care of your teeth. Get all the work needed completed. Then do your home care. You have the ability to prevent cavities and gum disease.