Allergist & Immunologist Questions Allergy test

What is the best allergy testing for children?

My daughter had hives after eating shrimp. I want to know what other foods she might be allergic to. What is the best allergy testing for children?

3 Answers

Children over 5-6 years of age can often tolerate skin allergy testing, but that requires a referral to an allergist and for them to tolerate the test. Your primary care should be able to run a blood test for food allergies. It is not quite as accurate as skin testing, but can be a good starting point.

Food allergies sometimes only manifest with food challenge. People with shrimp allergies may also have other shell fish allergies. Be sure to get an epipen. There is RAST testing for likely food allergies like eggs, wheat milk nuts etc.
Skin Test or Blood Test for Allergy or just use elimination method to see what is causing symptoms.