“What is the best medication for arthritis pain?”
I am a 46 year old female and I have arthritis. What is the best medication for arthritis pain?
4 Answers
That answer varies because everyone responds differently. Traditional medicine advises starting with Tylenol because, taken moderately, it has the least side effects. The next class of pain meds for arthritis are the anti-inflammatory meds, which includes Motrin, Advil, etc. Natural anti-inflammatories include Turmeric, which has lots of evidence based studies showing its effectiveness. More info can be found re arthritis help on my Facebook page for Chronic Pain Rescue. Best to yoi
There are different kinds of arthritis. But majority may respond to anti-inflammatories like Motrin/Aleve (making sure you have no stomach problems like ulcers or gastritis or GERD). Other types like gout or rheumatoid, need different meds. Best to be evaluated for proper imaging, testing for the right medication.
The answer to this question depends a lot on what kind of arthritis and how long you've had it, and whether you have swelling or not. I would not try to find an answer on the internet, see a doctor called a Rheumatologist, they will be able to guide you on the best medications. All drugs have risks. For example, while drugs like Advil can be good for pain, they have risks to your kidneys and stomach. High doses of Tylenol are bad for your liver. Anti-inflammatory diets are really good for mild inflammatory pain. But once again, I cannot diagnose you over the internet