Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

What is the best medicine for panic attacks?

I am a 53 year old male and I have panic attacks. What is the best medicine for panic attacks?

4 Answers

The most important question should be why you are having "panic attacks." Are there psychological issues which are triggering them? Have you had a complete physical evaluation and are physical factors ruled out? Is there a hereditary factor? Once these issues are all addressed, medication can be considered usually along with psychotherapy. The prescribing doctor who usually will be a psychiatrist will explain the various types of anti-anxiety medications that may be used including short acting benzadiazepines as well as longer acting medications of this class as well as the tendency to become physically dependent on them. There are other medications which may be effectively used including various antidepressants which have anti-anxiety effects. Combining medication and psychotherapy is often the best combination with a plan to reduce or phase out the medications in many cases.
Inderal or beta-blockers in addition to typical anxiolytic medications
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Generally one of the serotonin uptake inhibitors. They are antidepressants, but they have prominant antianxiety effects. It would be best to consult with a psychiatrist who would be familiar with the different choices.
The best group of medicines are the SSRIs (Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) but should be paired with a therapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Using benzodiazepines (Valium, Ativan Xanax, etc) at the beginning help stabilize faster but they should not be used for a long time.