“What is the best treatment for diabetes type 2?”
I am a 32 year old female. I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2. What is the best treatment for diabetes type 2?
1 Answer
This would be a long & complicated answer. I would also need more information about your age, body weight, how long you have had diabetes, etc. In general treatment is 1) diet such as limiting concentrated sweets, & eating the amount need for wt. loss or for maintaining your wt. if wt. now normal for Ht. 2) exercise on a regular basis 3) medication. There are now about 20 meds. available for treatment in several classes. One or more of these is best left to your physician as he or she has the information to tailor the proper med to your particular needs. 4) monitor your blood sugar regularly and 5) get your HbA1c checked regularly. Please see a board certified Diabetes educator (a CME) for more info & for treatment specific to your circumstances.