“What is the best treatment for tennis elbow?”
I am a 32 year old male and I have tennis elbow. What is the best treatment for tennis elbow?
6 Answers
Start with stretching, icing and relative rest from the activity that caused the problem to begin. Nonsteroidal medications such as ibuprofen or Tylenol can be helpful. If this first step is not effective then usually a short course of physical therapy can be very helpful. You can ask the therapist for specific stretching exercises. Finally, an injection may become necessary if the pain fails to resolve.
You can decrease lifting activity, strengthen your wrist extensor muscle, wear an elbow strap, and take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
Tennis elbow comes from forceful gripping of something, like a tennis racket. Ice after forceful gripping. Stretching the muscles (google those). Advil 3 tablets 3 times a day with food. Get a tennis elbow strap from and wear it when playing. Stop or decrease the amount of tennis you are playing. Sometimes increasing your grip size will help.
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose
Hope it helps!!
Dr. Bose