Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

What is the cause of high blood pressure?

I am a 34 year old male and I have high blood pressure. What is the cause of high blood pressure?

4 Answers

High blood pressure has many potential causes. At age 34 it may be related to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. This can be genetic or sometimes related to things like obesity. As one gets older blood pressure tends to increase in large part related to increased stiffening of the main blood vessels of the body such as the aorta. There is also a big contribution if one has decreased kidney function as hormones from kidneys are important in blood pressure regulation. It is important to treat high blood pressure early and aggressively. The current target blood pressure is to have a systolic blood pressure of less than 130. One of the more interesting technologies that is coming to possible approval is renal denervation which allows one to modulate and decrease the amount of sympathetic nervous activity eventually improve blood pressure with a single outpatient procedure. More to come on that if and when it gets FDA approved.
In a vast majority of patients there is no known cause of high blood pressure. That is why we call it essential hypertension (HTN). HTN is very common in the US. One of the consequences of getting older is the fact that blood vessels tend to get calcified with age leading to decreased distensibility and gradual increase in blood pressure as we get older. There are rare conditions that cause HTN but in a vast majority of patients it is essential HTN.
Many causes but commonly a combination of genetic and environmental issues which are not easily measurable. In certain patients we look for rare specific causes with scans and lab test
Blood pressure is determined by the interaction of many bodily systems and other variables some of which are: hormone levels and balances; state of contraction or relaxation of blood vessels; blood pressure regulatory centers in the brain ; kidney and heart function. Environmentally the amount of sodium in your diet; your weight; alcohol and cigarettes.
Obviously if you cut down on salt intake, keep weight down and exercise regularly you can decrease blood pressure. However bodily functions are inherited and you may need medication to correct one or more of the above.
Hope this over simplified response helps. Of course see your M.D. for further advice and treatment.
Harvard Health Publications has a good booklet which goes into more detail. Good Luck. Hope this was helpful.
Dr. Steve Ross