“What is the home remedy for ankle pain?”
I am a 28 year old female and my ankle is hurting. What is the home remedy for ankle pain?
6 Answers
Only thing you can do at home is rest, ice and elevation and take anti-inflammatories. Sometimes the pain does not go away and seeing a podiatrist could help. We do steroid injections into the ankle which are very safe and this could get rid of your pain quickly.
Without being able to examine it, it is very hard to answer this question, as I have to figure out where exactly it hurts and the reason it hurts so I can quickly treat it. This will progress if left untreated.
There are multiple conservative options that work very well. Please, make an appointment with me in my Chandler office (480) 269-7130 and I will go over all of your options. Depending on Xrays (if needed) that I can take at my office and the clinical exam, I am able to diagnose and recommend different treatment options. I recommend you have this checked as soon as you can, especially since I can usually treat this without surgery very well in just one visit with me. My office is located on Dobson Road, just north of Chandler Regional Hospital. Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists of Arizona. Feel free to ask to be seen by me specifically and I will get you in the same day or the latest the next day. I take all insurances, please do not go off of the insurance list on this website as it is not updated yet. Mention that I have talked to you on the internet. I can also do the entire visit with you over the phone or video call as well, which most insurances cover, even if you are out of state and my staff can verify this for you when you schedule. Thank you and have a good evening.
There are multiple conservative options that work very well. Please, make an appointment with me in my Chandler office (480) 269-7130 and I will go over all of your options. Depending on Xrays (if needed) that I can take at my office and the clinical exam, I am able to diagnose and recommend different treatment options. I recommend you have this checked as soon as you can, especially since I can usually treat this without surgery very well in just one visit with me. My office is located on Dobson Road, just north of Chandler Regional Hospital. Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists of Arizona. Feel free to ask to be seen by me specifically and I will get you in the same day or the latest the next day. I take all insurances, please do not go off of the insurance list on this website as it is not updated yet. Mention that I have talked to you on the internet. I can also do the entire visit with you over the phone or video call as well, which most insurances cover, even if you are out of state and my staff can verify this for you when you schedule. Thank you and have a good evening.
It depends. Is it actually your ankle joint that hurts? Is it one of the many surrounding tendons? Is it the joint below the ankle-the Subtalar Joint? Is it your Tarsal Tunnel and possibly nerve irritation? There are many things that it COULD be, so designating a treatment protocol is difficult in this situation. However, the basic rule of thumb for an acute injury is RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation). You may supplement this with 600mg of Ibuprofen 3x per day, or 500mg of Naproxen twice a day to assist with ridding your body of pain and inflammation.
If you twisted the ankle and can still walk on it, then apply topical pain creams, and use Tylenol or Ibuprofen if you can take it. Ice also helps, 20 mins out of each hour. If it does not improve or gets worse, see your doc.