Internist Questions Urinary Incontinence

What is the treatment for urinary incontinence?

I am a diabetes patient and am now have issues with urinary incontinence. I can't seem to help it, other than going to the bathroom every five minutes. Is there a treatment for this?

2 Answers

You should be evaluated for a urinary tract infection or other urinary issues. Diabetic patients do not have the typical symptoms of pain/burning on urination with infections, and change in symptoms needs investigating.
Please see a urologist soon. This condition is common in people with long standing diabetes but it is treatable. Urinary incontinence is common in all people whether they have diabetes or not (see how many commercials for adult diapers there are) but it especially a problem in some people with diabetes. Here it is caused by deadening of the nerves to the bladder so it cannot empty completely & thus carries a residual with overflow. There are treatments for this and seeing a urologist who specializes in this is important. If the nerves are not completely dead, the condition can be reversed & the nerves regenerated by improved blood sugar control. Work on it & get help with a good urologist.