“What kind of anesthesia is used for a lumpectomy?”
I am a 37 year old female. I want to know what kind of anesthesia is used for a lumpectomy?
5 Answers
Typically intravenous sedation with propofol and local anesthesia administered by the surgeon. You may need general anesthesia if the lump is deeper than just under your skin surface. If the lump is larger requiring a greater amount of dissection you will need general anesthesia. Talk with your surgeon. Many surgeons prefer general anesthesia.
It depends on the size of lumps, the patients' medical conditions, and choices of surgeons. Most lumpectomies can be done with local anesthetic and sedation by anesthesiologists. You can discuss your options with your surgeon. I personally prefer local anesthetic with sedation, but it certainly can be done under general anesthetic as well.