Rheumatologist Questions Juvenile Arthritis

What medications can my daughter take for joint pain?

My daughter has joint pain due to juvenile arthritis and only takes NSAIDs to ease the pain. It barely works for her. Are there other medicines she can take? She's 14 years old.

3 Answers

thank you for the question If someone with juvenile inflammatory arthritis or JIA has symptoms and they are not controlled with anti-inflammatory medication, then the addition of a drug such as methotrexate or what we would term a biologic medication such as ENBREL or Humira should be considered I would highly recommend that your daughter sees a pediatric rheumatologist for a confirmatory diagnosis and more importantly a treatment plan to help her signs and symptoms and reduce the chance of the condition affecting her joints and causing joint damage over time Best wishes and I hope you daughter gets better Thomas P. Olenginski, M.D., FACP Staff Attending Physician - Geisinger Medical Center, Danville PA Department Rheumatology HiROC FLS Physician Champion BMD Committee Chairperson 570-271-6416 Fax: 570-214-2924
We use many other meds including gold, methotrexate, and biologics

Yes, there are other medicines to take. The safest route is to eat a good diet and exercise daily. Cilantro helps JAD.