Neurologist Questions Neurologist

What promotes nerve healing?

My 17 year old son has nerve damage in his hand after a car accident. What promotes nerve healing?

4 Answers

Vit B12 is good for nerves
No smoking is key! Smoking slows down regrowth substantially. Aside from that, not much. Just a healthy diet and time.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.
Low Level Light Therapy with a 660 nm light. See Thor laser website for info. Amazon has many options when you enter 660 nm Red Light. Less expensive.
That really depends upon what kind of "nerve damage" your son sustained. Nerves can recover and this depends upon which particular nerve was injured, the extent and location of the damage and the mechanism of injury. If he did not need surgery, the only thing to do is wait and allow the nerve to recover. It is important to keep the hand and finger mobile and try to strengthen the muscles as much as possible to prevent atrophy. There are no known medications that help a nerve recover faster. Sometimes, electrical stimulation can be used to prevent muscular atrophy as the nerve recovers. In the past, Vitamin B12 was thought to promote nerve healing but this has been shown to have no benefit in a number of large scale studies. Good luck. I hope this helps.