“What should I do if my child has conjunctivitis?”
My 14 year old daughter has conjunctivitis. What should I do if my child has conjunctivitis?
6 Answers

Dr. Bin S. Sung
There are different types of conjunctivitis that a doctor has to determine before giving recommendations. Some are self- limited like most virus except herpes virus. Some need antibiotics, rarely antifungal. Some are allergic types. Some could be something more serious that you need an ophthalmologist to evaluate.
Keep the eye clean with a cotton ball dipped in warm water. If the conjunctivitis is deemed to be bacterial, antibiotic eye drops are helpful.
"Conjunctivitis" is the medical term for "Inflammation of the conjunctiva" (which is the lining of the eyeball and eyelids). As with all types of inflammation, what is the cause determines the treatment. If the eye is red, swollen, painful, crusted shut, or your child has vision difficulties, s/he should see his/her pediatrician immediately. If the eye is itchy, it may be from allergy, and over-the-counter eye allergy drops may be helpful. When in doubt, see your doctor.
Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Shelley C. Springer, MD, MBA, MSc, JD, FAAP
Thank you for your question. Conjunctivitis can be allergic, bacterial or viral. If her eyes are extremely itchy with clear discharge, then it can be allergic. Taking over-the-counter antihistamines like cetirizine (Zyrtec) or diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help. If her eyes are red and the discharge is green or yellow, then she may need antibiotic eye drops. Viral conjunctivitis can also present with really red eyes, but not much discharge. If there are other symptoms other than red eyes like a fever, I suggest that she see her doctor.
Hope this helps.
Thank you for your question. Conjunctivitis can be allergic, bacterial or viral. If her eyes are extremely itchy with clear discharge, then it can be allergic. Taking over-the-counter antihistamines like cetirizine (Zyrtec) or diphenhydramine (Benadryl) may help. If her eyes are red and the discharge is green or yellow, then she may need antibiotic eye drops. Viral conjunctivitis can also present with really red eyes, but not much discharge. If there are other symptoms other than red eyes like a fever, I suggest that she see her doctor.
Hope this helps.
Please have her checked out by her Pediatrician / Family doctor ASAP. ED/Urgent care may be another option . Eye infections are serious and timely intervention is extremely important.
Call your child pediatrician. They will determine if your child has bacterial conjunctivitis which usually produces lots of goop or pus that comes out of the eye and needs to be wiped out at least 4 ties daily, or viral conjunctivitis which causes a lot of clear drainage and red eyes, or allergic conjunctivitis which causes clear discharge from the eyes and a lot of rubbing of the eyes, or a foreign body in the eye like a hair or dirt that hurts and causes a lot of clear fluid tearing. Bacterial needs antibiotic drops, viral needs to be seen if not improving to check the eye carefully with stain to make sure there is not a dendritic lesion which needs an ophthalmologist to take care of, allergic conjunctivitis needs allergy drops and or Zyrtec or Claritin. Foreign bodies usually need to be seen and have the foreign body removed unless the parent sees it and can gently touch it with a wet Q-tip to remove it. Hope that helps!