“What questions should I ask my surgeon about jaw corrective surgery?”
According to my dentist, my jaw is not aligned properly and I have a severe underbite, so he is sending me to an oral surgeon to discuss my options for surgery. I'm a little nervous though, and don't know where to start to get the answers I need. Are there any questions that I should be asking my surgeon?
5 Answers
See someone that is board certified by the American Board of OMS. Ask how much of that surgery they do in a year. More than 20 would be a good number for that type of procedure. Ask about treatment options, and for the degree of YOUR growth issue, about what they feel the benefits of the surgery would be for you. Obviously, ask about risk factors as well. Lastly, I will typically give my patients the names of a few people close to their age that had similar growth issues and DID have the surgery for them to call and speak to someone who actually went through it.
Training, experience, and coordination with the treating orthodontist are all issues which should be discussed... as well as the pros/cons/ risks and potential benefits (and treatment alternatives) to surgery.
You surgeon will explain to you step-by-step of the procedure including see an orthodontist before and after the surgery, the risks and potential complications of the surgery, the recovery time, the pre and post operative preparations etc. you do not need to be nervous, you will have plenty time to discuss with the surgeon from the time you decide to have the surgery until the actual date of your operation