Pain Management Specialist Questions foot pain

What should I do for my foot pain?

I'm 25, but I experience random moments of foot pain while walking. I think it might have to do with the shoes I wear a majority of the time, but this happens when I'm not wearing them at times as well. What doctor should I see for this?

3 Answers

A podiatrist and/or a chiropractor to begin with.
You can see a podiatrist or an orthopedist. For pain that migrates or that occurs randomly, you may need a compounded agent or a 2% NON STEROIDAL ANTI INFLAMMATORY CREAM OR CBD OIL ALSO HAS HELPED MANY OF MY PATIENTS.
Thank you for your question! You can see either a podiatrist or a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, also known as a Physiatrist. Both of those specialties will be able to assist in determine the underlying cause and may even refer back and forth to each other.