“What should we do for son's Achilles tendinitis?”
My son regularly plays sports, and we took him to the doctor once he started to experience heel pain and tenderness. He was diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, but the doctor said that this should resolve on its own. What can we do at home to help him?
7 Answers
Over the counter oral anti-inflammatory, icing, Achilles stretching exercise, if symptoms persist, he may need a course or physical therapy, MRI, so revisit orthopedic surgeon, if he is still in pain.
The answer to this question depends on age and activity level. Some heel and Achilles pain in growing children is due to irritation at growth centers. Symptomatic treatment with ice, stretching, activity modification, and heel pad inserts will typically allow children to participate in their chosen sports. Over-the-counter analgesics can be used if needed.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Achilles tendon stretching, moist heat first, ice afterwards, 4 times per day, ibuprofen, medrol dose pack, advance to biking.
This is typically an overuse injury. He may have to sit out for a few weeks. Over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can decrease pain and inflammatory process. He should also work on stretching the Achilles’ tendon. He may require a boot for immobilization and formal therapy if the above treatment is unsuccessful.
This is typically an overuse injury. He may have to sit out for a few weeks. Over the counter anti-inflammatory medications can decrease pain and inflammatory process. He should also work on stretching the Achilles’ tendon. He may require a boot for immobilization and formal therapy if the above treatment is unsuccessful.