“What should you not do before anesthesia?”
I am preparing for my surgery and want to know more about it. What should I not do before general anesthesia?
4 Answers
You should not eat or drink food or beverage, even water, 8 hrs before anesthesia. You should stop alcohol intake 48 hrs before anesthesia. You should stop smoking 48 hrs before anesthesia. For medications, consult your doctor.
That depends on what you're having done, and what type of anesthesia you will have. But, in general, stop eating solid food at least 8 hours before your surgery. Stop drinking clear liquids at least 2 hours prior to your surgery. Don't show up drunk, hungover, high, or otherwise drugged. Don't smoke tobacco before surgery. Avoid taking most supplements or NSAIDs prior to anesthesia.
Paul Jacob Fronapfel, M.D.
Paul Jacob Fronapfel, M.D.
There are only a few things that you need to be aware of: no solid foods for 8 hours prior, clear liquids are allowed up to 2 hours prior and, in fact, most would recommend it unless you have a stomach problem like gastroparesis or severe reflux disease. Take all the meds recommended by your anesthesiologist. Avoid smoking the day of, if you smoke. Better to stop for 6 weeks prior, but that isn't always possible. No recreational.drugs, ever!! Ask about regional techniques to minimize pain.
Good luck!
Good luck!