“What symptoms accompany a Poison Ivy rash?”
After hiking with a friend recently, I developed a very itchy oozing rash on my legs. How can I definitively identify this as poison ivy? What symptoms accompany a Poison Ivy rash?
5 Answers
ITCH!! Blisters and redness are the major symptoms. For more information please make an appointment with your dermatologist.
A patient who has poison ivy will have severe itching small blisters and redness to the skin. Frequently there are stripes on the skin where the poison ivy leaves have rubbed against the skin.
This may very well be poison ivy or one of the more irritating rashes associated with plant contact. First wash all clothes you wore while hiking including the shoes or boots. Use cool water wash and no soap on area. You can get cortisone 10 without a prescription which will help with the itching and irritation. If not better in a day or two, better see the doctor.