“What symptoms should I look out for to have my thryroid checked?”
I'm 45 years old and a woman. I've been fighting weight issues for years, and I have put on a lot of weight even when I haven't much. Could this be from my thyroid?
3 Answers
I recommend to check TSH level and TPO antibodies. Symptoms may include constipation, cold intolerance, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, weight gain and other non specific symptoms
Wt. gain is one sign of low thyroid. There are other signs. Low thyroid causes a slow down of all body functions. Thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland is primer that causes the furnace to burn. If it is low, the primer is not there & the furnace does not operate & every thing slows down. This can cause wt. gain (though the wt. gain is more fluid than fat) as well as things like slowing of the heart, lack of energy, and many others since all organs require the hormone to work. See your Dr. and get the thyroid checked as well as other things. There are many causes for wt. gain & should be checked. Please get checked because low thyroid can be treated with just 1` little pill/day that will save function of the heart, kidney, liver, brain, etc. So do it.
Low thyroid can cause many symptoms, such as weight gain, constipation, dry skin, and cold intolerance. It is worth checking your thyroid function if you gain weight. However, there are many causes of weight gain, including chronic stress, shift work, inadequate sleep, and certain medications. Many doctors are poorly educated about weight management, it is not as simple as calories. It is likely that most people have several reasons for weight gain. Discuss this with your doctor.