“What should I eat that's good for my kidneys?”
Unfortunately kidney disease runs on both sides of my family. I'm 25 years old now but I want to do everything I can to protect myself from kidney disease. Which foods should I incorporate in my diet?
3 Answers
Sleep good hours every night, drinking enough water every day, minimal medicine to take. Walnut shrimps are good for kidney.
No changes in your diet will make a difference, unless you are eating a LOT of protein. I'm talking about the high protein diets like some football players and some body builders will eat (to say nothing of supplementing with protein powder!!) If you are doing that, it would be wise to stop! Please talk to your doctor about the specific kind of kidney disease that is in your family, to see if there is something else to watch out for, and ask for a referral to a nephrologist if your doctor thinks that would be appropriate.