Pain Management Specialist Questions Migraine

What's the best medicine for migraines?

I'm 40, and I've been getting severe migraines almost every day. What's the best medicine for migraines? What do you recommend?

1 Answer

Migraine headache affects 4% of adults population, you are not alone. If you have severe migraines almost every day, this mean your preventive measure is not effective. You have chronic migraine headache. Chronic migraine headache defined as headache for more than 15 days per month and more than 4 hours each day of headache. There is lifestyle changes like regular sleep hours, nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Also, your hormonal change can cause your headache, too. Preventive medication, discuss with your doctor, this should take every day to prevent the headache, there are neurotoxins (Like the Botox) that can be injected to prevent your headache. Acute medication also like triptans, NSAID, combination analgesic, there are variety. You should discuss with your doctor as well.
Hope this helps you.