“What's the life expectancy of a child with lupus? ”
My son's daughter was diagnosed with lupus and she's 10 years old. What's the life expectancy of a child with lupus?
3 Answers
Thank you very much for the question I would start off by saying that lupus is a very treatable illness and we treat it much better today than 20 to 30 years ago There have been a number of recent developments and discovery regarding new treatments I am an adult rheumatologist but most of the sources that I reviewed indicated that the life expectancy of a child with lupus is on the order of 85 to 90 percent. I would suggest that this be discussed with your granddaughters rheumatologist I hope this helps some and I wish your granddaughter excellent health and happiness Thomas P. Olenginski, M.D., FACP Staff Attending Physician - Geisinger Medical Center, Danville PA Department Rheumatology HiROC FLS Physician Champion BMD Committee Chairperson 570-271-6416 Fax: 570-214-2924