Emergency Physician Questions

whats wrong with me

my left foot is swollen and it hurts so bad and it been like this for 3 weeks and my right foot just started hurting but no swelling and my left foot sweats and gets hot and red and numb and it hurts really bad and i went to my doctor and did an x- ray and they said nothing was broke and i was just wondering why and what is this.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 02-20-2023

2 Answers

Hard to say without a physical exam or pictures. You’d need a formal evaluation by your primary doctor and most importantly a board certified podiatrist.
There are a number of things this could be.  Did you injure your foot or leg in any way?  Do you stand at work or school for most of the day?  When you are at home, do you keep your legs elevated?  Are you overweight?  Do you smoke?  Do you take birth control pills?  The answers to all these questions matter.   However, it could be a deep venous thrombosis (a blood clot in the DEEP veins of your leg.  You should have a blood test called a d-dimer done and/or an ultrasound of the veins of your legs performed.  In the meantime, Keep your legs elevated as much as possible & take Tylenol or Naprosyn (Alleve) to relieve your pain. Hope you get an answer to your leg pain quickly.  All the best.