“When is a good time to introduce regular milk for a baby?”
My baby is 9 months old and I have been giving him formula milk. When would it be the right time to introduce regular milk in his diet?
7 Answers
Babies should stay on formula feeding till age 1 year. You may switch to regular milk after that and not before.
I usually keep a baby on formula or breast milk until a year of age. You can occasionally give food with milk in it to make sure there is no allergy. Sometimes introducing whole milk at 9 months makes them not like the taste of formula and then it may be difficult to get them to take formula. Whole milk has too much protein for the kidneys and not enough vitamins at that age
Regular milk is recommended at 1 year of age, because of the need for higher cholesterol for brain development . Cholesterol is precursor of DHEA which is incorporated into Myelin formation in the brain resulting in higher IQ