Emergency Physician Questions Blood Pressure

When is high blood pressure an emergency?

I'm 45 years old, female. My blood pressure is high often. However, I'm usually able to tell when it's high and I do what I can to reduce it. When should I be concerned about blood pressure?

2 Answers

How high is high often???? Are you diabetic? Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Do you watch your diet? We fool ourselves into thinking we can tell when our blood pressure is high, but by the time we feel that those symptoms (headache, dizziness, strange noises in our ears, discomfort in our neck, etc.) our blood pressure has been far too high for far too long. Your blood pressure should be 140/80. If its more than 5 points higher than either of those two numbers you need medications, prescribed by your physician. You should be concerned if your BP is greater than 145/85. At your age, if your blood pressure is 'high often' you should probably be on medication. You should be concerned......for your own health, and the good of those you love.
YOU SHOULD TRY TO LIMIT SALT INTAKE, TAKE POTASSIUM, AND CALCIUM AND magnesium SUPPLEMENTS. LOSE WEIGHT, EXERCISE, have alcohol in moderation, and try to maintain a blood pressure at 140/80.