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When should I see a doctor for spine/back pain?

I am a 17 year old male. I injured my back during a play in football. When should I see a doctor for spine/back pain?

3 Answers

If a strain, would expect you to resolve with stretches. If it persists for over a few days or worsens, I would see a specialist.
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Anytime you have pain you should be evaluated, especially with an injury related to forceful impacts. My practice is all about prevention. Early diagnosis of pain or a sports injury can result in quick resolution and return to sports or activity at 100%. Of course, this also depends on the type of treatment provided. If it’s something minor, then physical therapy or alignments may give you benefit. If the physical exam and/or imaging reveals something more prolotherapy, platelet rich plasma, and stem cell injections offer a way to regrow tissue and improve pain and injuries. I prefer to see anyone with spine and back pain right when it happens so it does not develop into something more serious.