Dentist Questions Bleeding Gums

When should I be concerned about bleeding gums?

I noticed that my gums bleed for no real reason, like from brushing my teeth or flossing. Should I be concerned? I'm 40 years old.

9 Answers

Bleeding gums are a sign that your gums are infected. Are you doing home care every day? The first thing most people do when their gums are bleeding is to stop flossing and brushing. Your gums are INFECTED. Your body is sending fighter cells to fight the infection. You may have gingivitis. There was a thought about 40 years ago, that gingivitis leads to periodontitis. Periodontitis destroys the bone and supporting tissue surrounding your teeth. Gingivitis means your gum tissue is inflamed/ and or infected. GINGIVITIS IS REVERSIBLE. Your body is fighting this. You should visit your dentist. Until your appointment, you should be doing daily home care, every day. You have to floss each tooth every day. Then you take a soft toothbrush and starting at the last tooth in your mouth, UPPER or lower. You place your toothbrush half on the tooth and half on the gum line. You brush back and forth gently. You move all around your mouth to the opposite side. You brush behind the last tooth in your mouth then you brush the tooth-gum line area where your tongue is. You are brushing back and forth. If your gums are bleeding, let them bleed. You are brushing gently. Then you do your top teeth. Place your toothbrush on the tooth-gum line area brushing back and forth gently. You go all around to the other side. Brush in back of the last tooth's gum line-tooth area. You brush the palate tooth-gum line area all around. Now you brush all the flat surfaces, upper and lower. Now you take a tongue cleaner or a teaspoon turn the spoon with the round side towards your palate. Place the spoon as far back on your tongue without gagging. Scrape your tongue gently, towards the outside of your mouth. You will see a slimy whitish mass. That's what was hiding out in the nooks and crannies of your tongue. Rinse your mouth with salt water. Then gargle. You can use a water irrigator. Nothing replaces finger flossing, but will remove debris as much debris as possible. You must have a bad taste in your mouth. If you have gingivitis, your body is able to fight. Your body is fighting for you! What are you going for your own body? There may be a time when your body is fighting more than it can handle. You may not feel any different. But now your gums and tooth supporting bone are being attacked. This is what is called Periodontitis. PERIODONTITIS IS NOT REVERSIBLE. YOU CONTROL PERIODONTITIS WITH GOOD HOME CARE.

There should be no bleeding. See a dentist.
Yes you should be concerned. Bleeding is the first sign of gum disease. And gum disease is a bacterial infection in your mouth.
Sounds like pretty severe gingivitis... see your dentist for a checkup...
Bleeding is not normal. Have a dentist see it. You may have tartar irritating the tissue. There are certain toothpastes which control bleeding gums.
Bleeding gums for any reason is not normal. Unless you were being too aggressive when you brush and floss, it usually will indicate that there is an issue with your gums which needs professional attention.
You are probably starting to have early periodontal disease. The best thing is to see your dentist. Most likely you need scaling.
Healthy gums do not bleed. You should see a dentist!
Thank you for your question.
Bleeding gums are always a concern. I suggest you see your dentist, or find one if you haven't got one. They can determine the source of your bleeding and help you get it under control. Bleeding gums are linked to increased health risks such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, and other conditions. At age 40, you are at greater risk for any of these, so go get help.

Hope this helps,

Steven Chamish, DDS