“When should I be concerned about my toddler's nutrition?”
My 13 month old daughter does not eat solid foods. She ate pureed baby food briefly at 6-8 months of age, but ever since then she refuses everything but the bottle. When should I be concerned about my toddler's nutrition?
3 Answers
Toddlers vary individually. Some are picky eaters and prefer the bottle. I usually recommend to be patient and they tend to slowly increase their food choices. Good luck to you.
Toddlers vary individually. Some are picky eaters and prefer the bottle. I usually recommend to be patient and they tend to slowly increase their food choices. Good luck to you.
At 13 months of age, your daughter should be starting to take table foods. This needs to be dealt with very quickly because this has lots of implications about long-term feeding issues. Simply put, yes, you should be concerned.
Mark R. Corkins, M.D., S.P.R., C.N.S.C., F.A.S.P.E.N., A.G.A.F., F.A.A.P.
Mark R. Corkins, M.D., S.P.R., C.N.S.C., F.A.S.P.E.N., A.G.A.F., F.A.A.P.