Dentist Questions Pediatric Dentistry

When will my child's teeth get loose?

My daughter is just 3 years old and she is still getting teeth to come in. But, I'm just wondering, at what age would her teeth start loosening?

12 Answers

Average age is 6, but as early as 4 1/2 or as late as 7.
Most primary teeth are in the mouth by age 2. Some patients have a delayed dental development. Teeth usually do not start to get loose until age 6 or 7.
That is a bit early, but some are early bloomers, so to speak. As long as the teeth are normal in size and shape, and are erupting in a normal fashion, it should be fine.
Most kids start to lose teeth around the age 5-7.
The average age when children start losing teeth is 6 years old. If they got their first baby tooth later than 6 months, they may be later in losing the first tooth. If they got their first baby tooth before 6 months, they could be younger when the first tooth gets loose.
Your dentist is a great resource for determining your child's dental development.
Currently, your daughter has her primary teeth (baby teeth) and she will start losing her baby teeth or primary teeth around 6 years old, sometimes a little earlier for girls. She will be losing and gaining teeth up to about 12 years of age. By 12, she should have all of the adult teeth except for the wisdom teeth (3rd molars).
Teeth generally become loose at 6 years old and these are typically the lower central incisors.There are variations to the loss of these teeth. The baby teeth can have X-rays to determine when they will be lost.
Lower anteriors should loosen between 4-6 years old.

Greg McElroy, DDS
Generally speaking, the first two in are the first ones out (bottom front). This can happen any time between 5 and 7 with 4 1/2 or 7 1/2 not unheard of. Girls before boys and ethnicity can play a role in the age, but 5-7 is typical with teeth loosening 2 months ahead.
Between ages 5-7.

Baby teeth usually start to get loose around 6 years old, give or take a year depending on the child. If your child is still having some of her baby teeth grow in at 3 years old, she will likely be closer to 7 when her first teeth get loose. The first teeth to get loose are the lower front teeth.

Thanks for your question and have a great day!

Dr. Roxanna Khajavi
The average age to lose a first baby tooth is 6.5 years old. There are some racial and gender variations. The average time that a first baby tooth appears in the mouth is 6 months. Typically, if the first baby tooth comes in earlier than that, the child may lose baby teeth earlier. If the teeth arrive after 6 months, a child may be older before the baby teeth begin to fall out. A dentist can take X-rays periodically to track the development of the adult teeth that eventually replace the baby teeth. 

Marc D. Thomas, DDS