Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Which is the best antidepressant for anxiety?

I am a 35 year old female and I have anxiety. Which is the best antidepressant for anxiety?

6 Answers

Dear Madam,

Sorry to hear that you are suffering from anxieties and need to take medicine for it. As I am a psychologist and psychologists in the State of Florida are not allowed to prescribe medicines, it would be inappropriate for me to suggest which anti-depressant is best for you. Please contact your primary care physician or your psychiatrist for this issue. They need to do an evaluation to find out what is causing your anxieties and what will be appropriate for your level of anxiety and then prescribe. In the meantime, you could read a book titled "Anxiety and Phobia work book" by Edmund J. Bourne and start working on releasing your anxieties. You could also find a licensed psychologist in your area, specifically someone who specializes in hypnotherapy to help you get to the root of your anxieties, heal from them, and release them.

Take care,

Dr. Lata Sonpal
Almost all the antidepressants work for Anxiety at a little different dose than depression particularly SSRI class.
in my own professional experience I trust Cipralex more.
This is a very good question, but the answer is not so simple. Most SSRI and SNRI anti-depressants can help anxiety but every individual patient will have a different response. SSRI medications such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil have received FDA approval to treat various anxiety disorders including Panic DIsorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety
Disorder. Any of those three is probably a good place to start. I like Zoloft and Prozac more than Paxil because they are easier to come off of if you need to stop or change medications.
What makes you feel you need an anti-depressant for anxiety? I’m not a licensed psychiatrist or psychopharmacologist. I’m a psychologist. Some of my clients with mixed anxiety and depression have responded well to Lexapro in addition to therapy. Ask your doctor what he suggests based on your history and symptoms.

Dr. Ramirez
There really is no "best" antidepressant for anxiety, as almost all antidepressants can treat a variety of anxiety disorders. Pharmaceutical companies like to try to convince prescribers that one product is better than another, but that simply is not true. The exception is that Wellbutrin has typically very little anti-anxiety benefits. Almost by definition, the "best" antidepressant is the one that works well with your body chemistry, adn there is no way to pick the one that would be right for you without simply trying them. One caveat to this trial-and-error method is that if you have a first degree relative that has taken some antidepressant and done well on it, then the odds lean towards you trying that one first, since genetics have something to do with response to antidepressants. But, this is not a science; usually you need to try a few before finding the one just right for you.
Take a look at this link.

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