“Why are my teeth decaying so fast?”
My teeth seem to be decaying very fast and I'm only 27 years old. Why could this be happening? I feel like I have tooth decay in 3 of my teeth.
12 Answers
There are a number of reasons for tooth decay. Decay is determined by 50/50, genetic and environment. That being said, teeth being more susceptible to tooth decay could be inherited from your parents. The other aspect is your diet and cleaning routine. Diet high in soda, sweets, or sticky foods can cause decay as well as not brushing and flossing on a regular basis(oral hygiene).
First I would see your dentist to verify you have decay. There are other things that can be happening that can be causing your teeth to be symptomatic. Brushing 2x a day for two minutes and flossing will be best way to prevent decay also using fluoridated mouth rinse and toothpaste
Tooth decay takes time to form and grow. If you have not been regular about seeing a dentist then cavities can go unnoticed and neglected, in which case when you do go to the dentist, then it can feel like everything is decaying at once. However, those cavities have been forming for some time.
First you want to verify that those teeth actually have decay and that your other teeth do not have decay.
Then you should consider a cavity assessment. You have teeth; therefore you have something to decay. You could have more virulent bacteria (more cavity causing bacteria). Then consider your oral hygiene habits and whether there is any more you can do (brush once more a day, floss, fluoride mouthwash). Finally consider your diet (sugary foods and drinks, acidic foods and drinks - gatorade and the like wind up having a pH similar to your stomach acid). It is also important to consider when you consume these products; after your brush your teeth, right before bed. How long do they sit on your teeth.
First you want to verify that those teeth actually have decay and that your other teeth do not have decay.
Then you should consider a cavity assessment. You have teeth; therefore you have something to decay. You could have more virulent bacteria (more cavity causing bacteria). Then consider your oral hygiene habits and whether there is any more you can do (brush once more a day, floss, fluoride mouthwash). Finally consider your diet (sugary foods and drinks, acidic foods and drinks - gatorade and the like wind up having a pH similar to your stomach acid). It is also important to consider when you consume these products; after your brush your teeth, right before bed. How long do they sit on your teeth.
-Too much sugar in your diet
-Not proper brushing
-Not using ADA-approved toothpaste
-Not enough saliva
-Not proper brushing
-Not using ADA-approved toothpaste
-Not enough saliva
Sometimes it can be your diet, sugar is bad for teeth. Other things can be medications or not great homecare. Try to get an electric toothbrush, floss everyday and use Act at night.
There are many reasons why this can possibly be happening. Do you brush your teeth nightly before going to sleep? Is your diet high in sugar? When is the last dental appointment you have had, where the dentist took X-rays and Completed his/her Comprehensive Intraoral Examination? Make your dental appointment so your dentist can more specifically discuss your dental issues and concerns.
Andy Gaertner
Andy Gaertner
Tooth decay is more of a problem for some people more than others. Everyone's teeth are different and some are more porous and susceptible to decay than other. Of course, your intake of sugar can be a major factor along with how well and how often you clean your teeth. You should clean your teeth at least 3 times a day if you have decay problems along with minimizing sticky and sugary foods. There are tooth pastes like "MI paste" that remineralize your teeth and help prevent or even reverse tooth decay if you have a small or just developing cavity. Many times you can have gum recession that exposes the root of your tooth that can cause it to become sensitive to cold especially. That sensitivity can be mistaken for a cavity by many people even though there is no decay just sensitivity from the root being exposed (roots have nerve endings in them). If you are prone to decay it is very important to see your dentist at least 2 times a year, perhaps even more often.
Tooth decay takes four things to occur.... teeth, time, bacteria and sugar in some form. My questions back to you would be - 1. How well do you remove all of the plaque each time you brush? 2. Do you regularly see your friendly dentist for professional cleanings? Both of these things will greatly reduce your chances of decay happening over and over. Hope this helps.
It could be due to a variety of the reasons if in fact they are decaying the way you describe. Very often, patients make assumptions that are not true. It has to be evaluated by a dental professional and assessed if in fact that is the case. Often, patients sip on coffee with sugar or soft drinks that could create decay once again the etiology of decay has to be evaluated and then prevented.
Dr. Ashouripour
Dr. Ashouripour
Decay can occur due to several factors:
1. Excessive consumption of sugar (candy) and acidic beverages
2. Consumption of carbohydrates or fruits rich in sugar
3. Poor oral hygiene
4. Little fluoride use
5. Genetics
In order to ascertain as to what exactly is the reason in your case, you will need to be seen and discuss some history before arriving at a conclusion.
1. Excessive consumption of sugar (candy) and acidic beverages
2. Consumption of carbohydrates or fruits rich in sugar
3. Poor oral hygiene
4. Little fluoride use
5. Genetics
In order to ascertain as to what exactly is the reason in your case, you will need to be seen and discuss some history before arriving at a conclusion.
Tooth decay is a combination of factors. Your diet while you were growing up, heredity, home care, your present diet, etc. Are you flossing your teeth, then brushing them? Poor or lack of flossing? Are you using a soft toothbrush and brushing back and forth at a 45-degree angle? Brush the cheek sides - upper and lower - and the tongue and palate side at the gum line. Then the flat surfaces, up and down. Clean your tongue with a tongue cleaner. Then rinse your mouth, and gargle the back of your throat. After you have cleaned your mouth, do you put anything in your mouth, i.e., anything acidic? Go to bed with candy or sugary foods? DRINKS? USING A WATER IRRIGATOR CAN HELP REMOVE TINY particles of food. Get your teeth fixed and review mouth care with your doctor.