“Why did my gums change color?”
I noticed that my gums, around my front teeth, look darker than they do usually. They look purple, not red or pink. Why did this happen? There is some soreness as well.
4 Answers
The change in color may indicate an infection or gingivitis. You should make an appointment with your dental provider.
You may have tartar or some other irritant under your gums. See your dentist for an exam and probably a cleaning.
Gum color change is the first sign of gum disease and a bacterial infection. You need to see a periodontist. And please remember that there may be other areas of infection that you are unable to see in your mouth such as on the top inside around your teeth.
There are many reasons for why this may be occurring. In this instance the best option is to see your local dentist or your local periodontist and have them check it out for you. On occasion this could be an infection and will need to be treated asap. If they were always a bit dark and only darkened a little this could also be a result of pregnancy ( if you are female!). There are also purple areas around teeth in children called an eruption cyst than can occur sometimes when a permanent tooth is working its way out of the gums. Good Luck!