“Why do I feel depressed about my shyness?”
I am a 17 year old male. I am very shy and feel depressed about it. Why do I feel depressed about my shyness?
2 Answers
I think being “shy” is a noble thing!! Don’t beat yourself up, and eventually you will grow out of the shyness!!! Thus in turn your depression will turn around, I believe in you... Just wait and see. But if you have clinical depression please seek medical advice. Best Regards
Because you feel your shyness is an embarrassing trait. KIds may even encourage you to feel "less than" by teasing you. Yes, shyness is not typical, but it is quite common. It is one of the 4 traits children are born with. Shyness involves a preoccupation with thoughts that others are judging you negatively. It is a problem usually because these thoughts can be very difficult to eliminate. The shyness makes you focus on things you may potentially be doing wrong and ignoring all the things you do well leading to low-self esteem and depression. You will feel better by making yourself list all the unique, good and notable things about you, and reviewing it when you feel shy or insecure. Eventually, you will change the balance of your thoughts from negative focussed to an equal balance of positive. Friends who can encourage you, and like you because you are shy should be who you seek to inverst time in.