“Why do I feel hungry all the time?”
Even though I eat regularly, I feel hungry nearly all the time. Why is this happening to me? Could it be because of my diabetes?
3 Answers
Higher insulin levels in patients with type 2 diabetes stimulate appetite. This is one of the reasons one of the classes of medications doctors use to treat type 2 DM are GLP 1 agonists like Victoza or Trulicity to help suppress hunger and prevent over-eating
Yes it could be. You didn't tell me what diabetes medications you take so I can only answer in general. Some diabetes meds can cause hunger, especially with some combinations. Sulfonyluria drugs as well as insulin can cause continued hunger especially when used together or with other diabetes drugs. So see the Dr & maybe get a change of doses of drugs or a change of drugs. Metformin & GLP1 RA, & SGLT1 drugs do not cause hunger but if used with other drugs such as insulin, they may enhance the effects of the insulin or other drugs & cause prolonged hunger. See your Dr. & discuss to get an adjustment of meds or doses of current meds. Some of this can just be habit as well or type of food so see a dietician. You may be having rapid stomach emptying & in that case Rx with a GLP1 RA would be helpful since these drugs slow stomach emptying and slow hunger. These drugs are injections but can be given once a day or now several are available for once a week. They do work. I take one of the once a week drugs & it really works. I have lost 25# in 3 mo., don't feel hungry as much, & reduced my insulin 30%. Suggest it to your Dr.