“Why do I have rectal bleeding?”
I am a 53 year old male who now has rectal bleeding. I have not changed my diet or exercise habits. Why is this happening?
6 Answers
This is usually from hemorrhoids. At your age you should have already gotten a colonoscopy to confirm if there are hemorrhoids. If you have not had a colonoscopy, get it done pronto!
Rectal bleeding could be caused by a number of different things including: constipation, anal fissure, polyps and even cancer. If you haven't had a screening colonoscopy you should make an appt to get one done (everyone should have one at the age of 50).
There are many reasons including hemorrhoids, colon or rectal cancer, diverticulitis, AVM's or angiodysplasia or rectal fissure. Rectal bleeding is an alert sign and requires immediate evaluation by a gastroenterologist.
Rectal bleeding can come from many different causes. People can experience rectal bleeding from benign diseases such as hemorrhoids, fissures, and fistulas to bleeding polyps or cancers. If you have not yet had a colonoscopy, see your primary care physician for a referral for one now.
There are many reasons that you might have rectal bleeding. You need to be evaluated by a colon and rectal specialist. If you have not had a colonoscopy, that would be the first step. If you have and it was OK then you will be examined for alternate sources of bleeding.