“Why do I have ridges on my tongue?”
I am a 25 year old female and I have ridges on my tongue. What could be the cause?
3 Answers
There are several reasons someone can have ridges on their tongue. Some of them are not too bad and some are not too good. Because of this it is highly recommended to have a professional examine the ridges (a lot of people out there do a free consultation). Location, type of ridges, and color are important to diagnosing. Sometimes people get malformations on their tongue because they have a habit of chewing on their tongue during times of stress or boredom. Oftentimes, people are unaware of it until they are asked about it. Other times, people get ridges on their tongue that are evenly spaced. These normally coincide with where their lower teeth are as the tongue sits against them. Sometimes there are lines on the top of the tongue. This is usually changes in the taste buds along the tongue's surface. However, there are more serious reasons for changes in tongue appearance which is why it is highly recommended to have a professional exam it.
Hope this helps and hope the ridges are nothing bad.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD
There are several reasons someone can have ridges on their tongue. Some of them are not too bad and some are not too good. Because of this it is highly recommended to have a professional examine the ridges (a lot of people out there do a free consultation). Location, type of ridges, and color are important to diagnosing. Sometimes people get malformations on their tongue because they have a habit of chewing on their tongue during times of stress or boredom. Oftentimes, people are unaware of it until they are asked about it. Other times, people get ridges on their tongue that are evenly spaced. These normally coincide with where their lower teeth are as the tongue sits against them. Sometimes there are lines on the top of the tongue. This is usually changes in the taste buds along the tongue's surface. However, there are more serious reasons for changes in tongue appearance which is why it is highly recommended to have a professional exam it.
Hope this helps and hope the ridges are nothing bad.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD