Endocrinology-Diabetes Questions Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Why do I have facial hair if I'm a woman?

I'm 27 years old, and I have had issues with facial hair all my life. Mainly above my upper lip and on my chin. Why could this be happening? I also have been diagnosed with PCOS.

2 Answers

You may have a medical condition that needs to be looked into. I would see your primary care doctor to have some tests run.
Yes it can be due to the PCOS. In this disease, the ovary produces too much testosterone (the male hormone) & can cause excess hair growth. Remember though that women do grow hair normally. You grow hair on your head, under the arms, the pubic area & on the legs & arms so why not some on the face. Most women have some growth of facial hair. In your case though, I strongly suspect it is due to the testosterone secretion from the PCOS. There are treatments for PCOS, particularly spironolactone that inhibit testosterone that may be helpful.