Podiatrist | Primary Podiatric Medicine Questions Ingrown Toenail

Why does my big toe hurt when I apply too much pressure?

My big toe hurts when I apply too much pressure on it. Can it be because of an ingrown nail? What does an ingrown nail look like?

17 Answers

Ingrown nail is when the nail is curved under the skin, you can no longer see the edge of the nail. If it only hurts with side to side pressure at the nail, then could be an ingrown nail. If it is with pressure to the toe itself, could be a potential stress fracture or ligament injury to the toe itself, could even be arthritis.
Red, swollen, draining, painful. It could come with only one of these symptoms or all of them or some of them. You most likely have an ingrown. This will progress if left untreated. There are multiple conservative options that work very well. Please, make an appointment with me in my Chandler office (480) 269-7130 and I will go over all of your options. Depending on Xrays (if needed) that I can take at my office and the clinical exam, I am able to diagnose and recommend different treatment options. I recommend you have this checked as soon as you can, especially since I can usually treat this without surgery very well in just one visit with me. My office is located on Dobson road, just north of Chandler Regional Hospital. Advanced Foot & Ankle Specialists of Arizona. Feel free to ask to be seen by me specifically and I will get you in the same day or latest the next day. I take all insurances, please do not go off of the insurance list on this website as it is not updated yet. Mention that I have talked to you on the internet. I can also do the entire visit with you over the phone or video call as well, which most insurances cover, even if you are out of state and my staff can verify this for you when you schedule. Thank you and have a good evening.
There are many possible causes for this problem. They include ingrowing toenails, gout, injuries, arthritis. Best to go to your podiatrist and have it evaluated. X-rays might be required also.

Dr. Kathleen neuhoff 
Your great toe pain may result from different types of pain generators. This can occur at the skin and nail level if there is incarceration of the nail. This can also result from more deeper problems to include bone and joint. If there is no gross deformity of the toe in appearance or function and it appears to be mostly related to the toenail, incarceration of the nail edge cannot produce focal tenderness. Typical signs include increased redness and swelling of the skin fold. Advancing degrees of infection can start demonstrating local discharge and exuberant granulation tissue. If pain persists for greater than 72 hours it would be best to have medical evaluation.
The great toe or any toe, will hurt if you put pressure on it if you have an ingrown toe nail.  If you press on the skin adjacent to the nail boarder and push the skin against the nail and illicit pain this is a sign of an ingrown toe nail.  This frequently is accompanied with redness and swelling of the skin adjacent to the nail boarder.
It could be an ingrown nail or a bone spur under your toenail.
The pain may be due to an ingrown nail. If the sides of the nail or the cuticle are red and angry you probably have an ingrown nail. The toe mY also throb due to infection and you might see drainage either on the toe or possibly on a sock. Do not torture yourself trying to remove the offending border, see your podiatrist who can quickly and easily remove the nail.
You need to the treated by a podiatrist and X-rays need to be taken and then they can give you a definitive answer as to "why the big toe hurts."

Dr. Gorman
If it hurts when you put pressure on the nail it could definitely be an ingrown toenail. The ingrown toenail grows into the sides of the nail. If it continues to be painful please see your podiatrist for a fairly easy treatment to alleviate the problem.
There are several common reasons your toe may hurt with pressure. Yes, an ingrown toenail may cause this type of pain. But so might a fungal infection of the nail that causes the nail to thicken and causes pressure on the underlying toe. Also, you could have a boney prominence forming under the nail which might cause pain in the area. There are other pathologies, also, which could cause this kind of pain. Without an examination, it is difficult to say what is causing your pain.
Yes. An ingrown or very thick toenail can cause pressure and pain on toes, especially when wearing shoes
It could be depending on where the pain is. If it is the side of the nail then possible. It looks like the nail grows into the skin on the sides. It could be a bone spur or other things.
Well any excess pressure can cause pain anywhere on the body. That being said, an ingrowing toenail hurts in the corner where the nail meets the skin. There may be some associated redness and discolored drainage. Best to see your local podiatrist - an ingrowing toenail can cause an infection.
This is possible, as the nail can curve into the skin and cause pain with pressure. Try soaking the foot for 15 minutes twice a day in warm saltwater to see if that helps. If not, go see your podiatrist
Depending on where the pain is, it may be due to an ingrown toenail. I recommend you be evaluated by a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) to determine the cause
An ingrown toenail can cause these symptoms. It usually shows a side(s) of the toenail curved into the skin and often accompanied with redness, swelling, pain with touch and tight shoes.
It is most likely an ingrown toenail. Sometimes it is hard for you, yourself to see an ingrown on yourself due to the angle. It’s worth a visit to your local podiatrist, especially if this has been an ongoing issue. There are certain treatments to permanently treat an ingrown nail.