Urologist Questions Urologist

Why does my partner have scrotum pain?

My partner has been having pains in the scrotum (1 ball). The pain is unbearable. I haven't been intimate with anyone apart from him in 5 years. But he thinks it's an STI. It's not swollen or red. Just hurting really bad. Any ideas what it might be?

Male | 27 years old
Complaint duration: Few days

4 Answers

A timely comprehensive evaluation is needed to figure out what is the cause for your scrotal pain. To help you work with your doctor, go to http://www.formefirst.com/eNewsletter06.html so as to prepare yourself for more meaningful counseling. Besides, many self-explainable pages in www.formefirst.com could be found to enhance your general knowledge about overall medical care.
Scrotal pain is a frequent presenting complaint in the primary care setting. It accounts for up to 5% of outpatient urology visits. Despite this, chronic scrotal content pain (CSCP) remains a poorly understood condition. CSCP, also referred to as chronic orchialgia or testicular pain syndrome. This true after ruling out other causes of testicular pain by a urologist.

This pain might be one of many things. I suggest that your partner be reviewed by a doctor and have an ultrasound scan of the scrotum. Check out my website for more information on causes of scrotal discomfort: https://www.daviesurology.co.nz/mens-health/

He needs a scrotal ultrasound.

Dr. Niko Lailas