Pediatrician Questions Pediatrician

Why husband and I have opposing views on the flu shot?

I am a 34 year old female. Why husband and I have opposing views on the flu shot for our child. What to do?

6 Answers

Flu, can cause serious problems such as pneumonia, and rarely death. Which is preventable with one vaccine. So I definitely recommend getting the flu shot.
Both of you sit down with your child's doctor together to discuss your views and the pros and cons. The doctor can help you make a decision you are comfortable with.
I hope I don’t cause any more conflict in between you. Flu virus is a kind of virus that causes higher morbidity and mortality that other viruses, excluding current novel coronavirus that we still don’t know enough. In addition, this flu virus mutates yearly that even if you have contracted the same strain previously, you still do not have the antibody to protect you from getting infected next season if it comes around again. Flu vaccine is not 100% protective, but just like if I have some food in my fridge, it’s better than having nothing in my fridge when I am hungry. Check more on AAP and CDC websites.
Thank you.
Flu shots are pretty safe vaccines, but you should definitely sit down with your child's primary care doctor and discuss you questions/concerns so that you can hopefully be reassured to proceed with it.
Hello there,

That must be very difficult and frustrating, but you could certainly try to gather evidence and make a decision together. Why flu vaccine is so important each year is to prevent COMPLICATIONS of the flu, and not per se, prevention from getting an illness itself. Maybe, come up with the compromise? Each year kids should get flu vaccine end of September, early October if possible.
Hope this helps and you make the best decision you can for your child.
Unfortunately, people do not realize how serious the flu can be. It is recommended to get a yearly flu shot. Although some people do fine with the flu (sickness for a3-7 days and then get better), the flu causes thousands of hospitalizations and deaths each year. The virus changes and that is why it is important to get the shot yearly. Visit the for more information.