āWhy is my cheek swollen after a root canal?ā
Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 8 days
Medications: Antibotics
Conditions: Goodbut not totally recover
5 Answers
Sorry to hear about your discomfort and swelling. It is hard to figure out what happened when you were not there. Yes, what your doctor told you is certainly a possibility. There are two common reasons for swelling after a root canal. One is if the cleaning solution got past the end of the root of your tooth. The other is if there is an infection. It is important to know that during a root canal procedure the canal of the tooth is being cleaned of any nerve fibers, blood vessels, or bacteria. If bacteria got past the end of the tooth, it could cause an infection.
If some the cleaning solution does get past the end of the root canal it will normally make the cheek swell up (depending on what tooth it is). This usually happens right after the root canal (within hours to a day). The body is not used to having cleaning solution in it (no matter which one was used), this will cause a reaction by the immune system. The immune system has a few responses and the first one is the swelling of the area, which brings more of the immune cells in the blood stream to the area to fight off the infection. Once the solution is dealt with the swelling will go down and usually takes 7-10 days to go away.
On rare occasions it can take a little longer then 7-10 days due to a variety of factors. People with diabetes have a harder time healing infections, which takes longer.
If it is an infection from the bacteria, that is what the antibiotics are for. The timing of the onset of the swelling usually helps with diagnosis as swelling from the bacteria usually starts 1-2 days after the root canal.
It is important to know that it is impossible to be 100% sure of the cause of the swelling so the antibiotics are given no matter what. However, if the dominant bacteria change, then a different antibiotic might be needed to target that bacteria.
At 7 days it is advisable to see the person who did the root canal so she can see if you are healing properly or if the root canal needs to be cleaned out again. Hope this helps.
My best to you!
William F. Scott IV, DMD