Pain Management Specialist Questions Pain Management Specialist

Why is nerve pain worse at night?

I am a 27 year old female. I have nerve pain in my leg which is worse at night. Why is nerve pain worse at night?

3 Answers

This is a great question. Nerve pain is sometimes better during the day because our brain is active and this distracts us from feeling the pain. Most nerve pain is worst at night because our brain is at rest and there is nothing else going on so it focuses on the pain. If you have nerve pain that is worst at night, it might be good to take a nerve medication to help calm things down so you can sleep well. A good night's sleep is very important in helping to control your pain.
That is a great question, and it is a phenomenon that is not really that well understood. Sometimes, if it is a pinched nerve, then simply repositioning can help. If your nerve pain is a neuropathy, then that will not work. That being said, medicines for nerve pain can be given at bedtime to make the night more tolerable and conducive to resting. Inform your doctor about these troubles to explore options.
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You should try a soft massage with your finger tips with olive oil on your legs at bed time. After doing this, cover your legs, do this for 15 days therapy. Take calcium tablet once a day.