Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT) Questions Ears

Why shouldn't I use cotton swabs?

I've been told that I shouldn't use cotton swabs in my ears. Why? My ears feel icky if I don't clean them!

7 Answers

Cotton swabs often simply push the wax further into the ear canal which only serves to worsen the wax problem. Additionally, they can overly strip wax from the ear canal which serves to prevent infections of the ear canal. I have also seen patients injure themselves with cotton swabs pushed too far into the canal as well.
You should never touch your ears with anything smaller than your elbows. If you never touch your ears they will clean themselves. But if you touch them you will push the wax in and it will not be able to run out of your ear when lying down while you sleep
Q-tip usage can result in ear canal damage, cerumen impaction, occasional eardrum perforation, ear canal bleeding, conductive hearing loss. Better to irrigate ear canals in shower, towel dry. Those with chronic ear canal disorders need ENT assistance.
You might be pushing the wax further in. Some people get lucky but you are better having them professionally cleaned. And the problem may not even be wax buildup.
Cotton swabs only pack the wax in more, kind of like a ram rod. Also, the skin of the ear canal is quite delicate and can be irritated from even a soft cotton swab. Gently wash around the opening of your ear canal with a wash cloth.

Calhoun D. Cunningham III, M.D.
You may just as likely end up pushing wax deeper into your ear canals where it will likely not ever come out by itself. Less likely, you’ll injury your ear canal skin or ear drum.
Your ears will clean themselves. If you see wax or debris outside the ear canal, you can wipe it with a soft washcloth. You should not put anything in the ear canal, however, as this can damage the delicate skin in the ear canal, introduce infection, and actually push the cerumen (ear wax) in beyond where the ear can clean itself. So, you may actually cause a wax build up by putting the cotton swab in your ear!