Hand Surgeon Questions Hand Surgeon

Will hand surgery fix the shaking in my right hand?

I am a 56 year old male with shaky hands. Will hand surgery fix the shaking in my right hand?

8 Answers

No surgery cannot fix shaking hands.
You should see a neurologist to identify the cause of this symptom.
Most tremors are due to neurological. Issues which are central or systemic in cause and are not treated with surgery. Speak to your pcp and/or a neurologist to get an appropriate diagnosis and see if any specific medicos work-up and treatment is needed.
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Very doubtful. The central portions of the brain are usually responsible for tremors. I advise you to seek a consultation with a neurologist.
If you have an essential tremor, the chances are that the cause is in the central nervous system or due to a systemic disease. It is unlikely that surgery of the hand itself would resolve a tremor. It would be worthwhile to consult a neurologist in the case of an essential tremor. Thank you.
Generally not. Hand shaking can often be caused by a benign essential tremor which originated in the central nervous system.
No, sir. There is no hand surgery for that. In some instances, there is brain surgery for that. You would need to consult a movement disorder neurology center.

Harrison Solomon, M.D.
No, there is no surgical procedure that can be done that will cure shaking (tremors) in your hand. Most hand tremors are benign and are called a benign essential tremor. Such tremors are oftentimes hereditary. Although surgery will not help, you should probably consult a neurologist to make certain that this represents a benign essential tremor.