Dentist Questions Dental Retainers

Will my orthodontist know that I haven't worn my retainer for a week?

I'm a 20 year old girl and I stopped wearing my retainer for a week. Will the orthodontist know this when I go to get my checkup? Because I stopped wearing my retainer, will I need to go back to wearing braces?

9 Answers

If you only did not wear the retainer for only a week. The orthodontist will likely know that you have not worn it, but likely you will NOT need to have braces again. Be honest with the orthodontist.
Depends on the case. A week it not too long of a time, so put the retainer back in an if its tight, wear it until it's not tight anymore.
For some, teeth move within days of not using retainers properly. Others, their teeth hardly move.
Just start wearing your retainers again. They may be a bit tight at first.

If you have truly not worn the retainer for just one week, then probably not a lot has happened. However, unfortunately, teeth move and continue to move for the rest of your life no matter how good your orthodontic treatment was. We recommend retainers be worn full time for approximately 9 months to a year so that all the cells and tissues and fibers that you don't think
about can get used to their new positions and then at night time for life time! If retainers are being worn properly, they will be somewhat loose when you go for your visit, if they are not being worn they will be tight and from this your orthodontist can tell how much you are wearing them.
If you haven't worn your retainer for 1 week, I doubt your orthodontist will know. However, if you consistently do not wear your retainer, your retainer will probably stop fitting, due to your teeth moving, and your orthodontist will know you are not wearing your retainer. So, the key to retainers is to be consistent, and wear them as instructed by your orthodontist. My patients are told to wear their retainers full time for 1 year, then half time the 2nd year, followed by decreasing wear until 1 day per week for life. If you eventually wear your retainer 1 day per week for like, your teeth will remain straight and your smile will stay beautiful for life! Totally worth the effort!

Daniel A. Flores, DDS, MS
A week shouldn't be much time without wearing your retainer if you are able to put your retainer back in and it fits with no problem. And that means your teeth haven't moved at all. Just don't make this a habit.
After your braces are removed, your teeth have been placed in their proper position. You are given your RETAINER to wear 24/7 for at least six months. Your bone has to tighten around all your teeth. When you place your retainer back in your mouth you may notice that your teeth may have moved. You may have had a wire placed on the back of your lower teeth. Your job is to wear your RETAINER. If you have had a habit of pushing your tongue against your upper and lower teeth when you talk or swallow, you may have a round hole placed in your upper RETAINER to help you break your habit. You wear your RETAINER to keep your teeth in the right position. When you don't wear your retainer your teeth move back out of position.
How is your bone SUPPOSE to tighten around your teeth? Today, young people have all these items that you press, push, talk within milliseconds things happen. Our bodies are not made that way. Broken bones need time to heal. Your teeth need time for your bone to become dense around your teeth. There are very few things that dental patients can do that dentists know about. No flossing or brushing? Your gums give you away. Brushing 16 times a day two days before your appointment! Your gums don't heal that fast. If it has only been a week that you did not wear your braces, you may be okay. But if you liked the way your teeth look, wear your RETAINERS!
Usually 1 week won’t matter – more than that…