Addiction Psychiatrist Questions Smoking Withdrawal

What should I do to curb my withdrawal symptoms from smoking?

I recently quit smoking, but I am experiencing a lot of headaches and severe withdrawal symptoms. What should I do to curb my withdrawal symptoms?

2 Answers

You could consider Chantix, a non addictive med available on prescription that can be very helpful in this situation, (FDA Approved, and the most effective) or you could consider nicorette gum or lozenges. Consult your doctor. stopping smoking is the greatest investment you can make in improving your health and longevity. Definitely get some more help.
Congratulations for taking a very significant step towards reducing your risk for negative health. Nicotine cessation is difficult. Withdrawal symptoms are nearly always experienced. An abrupt quit is the method some individuals chose, but usually has more severe withdrawal symptoms. I would suggest (1)- discussing with your primary care physician, since there are medical options available. (2) you might consult the internet, several good websites are available for nicotine cessation, one being , stop (3) there are over the counter several aids to assist with reducing the withdrawal symptoms, including nicotine gum, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine skin patches.
Combining the patch and gum has nearly a 80% success rate for stable abstinence, when used in combination for several months.
(4) Avoid using a "vap" as the literature is continuing to develop that "vaping" causes significant lung damage, and last week the first death attributed to vaping was reported.
Be patient, it is not a failure if you slip and have a recurrent use, stay with the goal of nicotine abstinence. Continue with progress, and you will get there. Doc S