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I have to get up to pee throughout the night and it interrupts my sleep. Is something wrong?

I can't get a good night's sleep anymore because I have to get up to pee multiple times during the night. Is there something wrong?

Female urology?

I get frequent UTIs and I am not finding the right treatment from my OBGYN. Is there such a thing as a female urologist? ?

Why was I referred to a nephrologist?

After having 3 instances of kidney stones, my urologist has referred me to a nephrologist. What do they do? How will this experience be different from a urologist?

Is fertility reduced with spina bifida?

My husband has spina bifida and we have been discussing starting a family. Will his condition affect our odds?

I have to get an orchiectomy. Can I have an implant inserted immediately? What's the process like for getting an implant?

I just found out I have testicular cancer and I need to get my testicle removed. Is it possible to have an implant done during the orchiectomy surgery? What is the process for...

Protein in urine question

I have a history of a small amount of protein in my urine. Am I at risk of kidney disease? How will I know?

UTI infection question

How is it that a UTI can have such an effect on an older person? How does it affect their memory?

UTIs (male) with no symptoms?

It has happened a few times where I go to the doctor, give a urine sample, and results confirm UTI bacteria even though I never felt any symptoms. Is this a sign of something...

I can't seem to control my bladder. Do I need surgery?

I have urinary incontinence and I leak urine consistently. How can this be treated? Do I need surgery?

I have interstitial cystitis. Are there certain foods I should avoid? If so, which ones?

I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis last year, and since then, I've noticed I experience more pain after eating certain foods or drinking certain beverages. Is there a...

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