Cancer is a chronic disease where the body produces abnormal cells that have the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Screening and lab testing are always required to properly diagnose, prevent, and treat different types of cancers.
The most common types of cancer are of the breast, prostate, basal cell, colon, and lung. Melanoma, leukemia, and lymphoma (also known as lymphatic cancer) are other common types. Cancer's direct cause is not known.
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Book an appointment with an Oncologist
Can be treated with medication and therapy
Most commonly affects ages 70+
Over 1,500,000 affected each year
Understand the Basics
Basic Understanding
What is Eye Melanoma?
Basic Understanding
What is Hodgkin's Lymphoma?
Basic Understanding
What Is Colorectal Cancer?
Understand Causes
What Causes Colon Cancer?
Am I at Risk for Developing Breast Cancer?
Exposure to DDT Increases the Risk of Testicular Cancer
Understand Treatment
What Are the Treatment Options for Colon Cancer?
Treating Breast Cancer