
Cancer is a chronic disease where the body produces abnormal cells that have the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Screening and lab testing are always required to properly diagnose, prevent, and treat different types of cancers.

The most common types of cancer are of the breast, prostate, basal cell, colon, and lung. Melanoma, leukemia, and lymphoma (also known as lymphatic cancer) are other common types. Cancer's direct cause is not known.

Visit the medical library to learn more about cancer

Doctor Book an appointment with an Oncologist

Medications Can be treated with medication and therapy

Contagious Most commonly affects ages 70+

How many people Over 1,500,000 affected each year

Understand the Basics

What is Eye Melanoma?

Basic Understanding

What is Eye Melanoma?

Eye melanoma is a type of cancer that develops in the eye, from melanin-producing cells. It has no signs and symptoms in the early stages, which makes it very difficult to diagnose. Read this article to learn more.

What is Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

Basic Understanding

What is Hodgkin's Lymphoma?

Hodgkin's lymphoma is a serious ailment that affects many people. To learn more about Hodgkin's lymphoma, read this article.

What is Colorectal Cancer?

Basic Understanding

What Is Colorectal Cancer?

Read this article to learn more about colorectal cancer.

Different Stages of Prostate Cancer

Basic Understanding

What Are the Different Stages of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a serious condition, and the prognosis depends primarily on what stage it the cancer has been discovered. Read this article to learn about the different stages of prostate cancer.

What are the Different Types of Breast Cancer?

Basic Understanding

What are the Different Types of Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the number one leading cause of death for women. Educate yourself on how this type of cancer affects the human body.

Understand Causes

What Causes Colon Cancer?


What Causes Colon Cancer?

Like with any other cancer, genetic factors also contribute to the development of colon cancer. However, more than 75% to 90% of patients with colon cancer have little or no genetic history, meaning that other factors play a major role in the development of colon cancer. Read on to learn about the factors that contribute to the development of colon cancer.

Am I at Risk for Developing Breast Cancer?


Am I at Risk for Developing Breast Cancer?

Are you worried that you may develop breast cancer? Read on to learn how your age, sex, family medical history, and other factors can contribute to the risk of developing breast cancer.

Exposure to DDT Increases the Risk of Testicular Cancer


Exposure to DDT Increases the Risk of Testicular Cancer

Learn about how the exposure to DDT can increase a man's risk for developing testicular cancer.

False-Positive Mammograms May Predict the Risk for Breast Cancer


False-Positive Mammograms May Predict the Risk for Breast Cancer

False mammograms are very frightening, but they may contain useful information. Read this article to learn how false positive mammograms may predict breast cancer risk.

Limit Your Risk for Prostate Cancer with Statins


Limit Your Risk for Prostate Cancer with Statins

According to several studies, the intake of statins can lower PSA levels in men. Read this article to learn more about statins and statins affect PSA levels.

Tall Women Have Higher Risk of Cancer


Tall Women Have Higher Risk of Cancer

Read this article to learn how taller women are more susceptible to a variety of types of cancer relative to shorter women.

Are There Ways to Lower Your Risk of Cancer?


Are There Ways to Lower Your Risk of Cancer?

Cancer has a prevalence across the U.S. Many people desire to take the appropriate measures to lower their risk for developing cancer. Read this article to learn more about how you can lower your risk for developing cancer.

BPA from Soup Cans Shown to Increase Risk for Breast and Prostate Cancer


BPA from Soup Cans Shown to Increase Risk for Breast and Prostate Cancer

Bisphenol (BPA) is a controversial chemical that may cause health issues. New research indicates that soup increases the level of bisphenol in urine leading to increased risks for cancer and other health conditions. Learn more about the dangers of BPA.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer?


What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Stomach Cancer?

Stomach cancer occurs when cells grow or divide at abnormal rates in the walls of the stomach. Early discovery is critical because if the cancer is detected early enough, it is treatable. Read this article to learn more about the risk factors, symptoms, and treatments for stomach cancer.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?


What are the Causes and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer is a common disease among men, and early detection is crucial for its treatment. Read this article to learn more about the symptoms and treatment of prostate cancer.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Peritoneal Cancer?


What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Peritoneal Cancer?

Peritoneal cancer affects the tissue that lines the abdominal cavity. Read this article to learn more about the symptoms and treatments for peritoneal cancer.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cancer?


What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Liver Cancer?

Liver cancer occurs when there is growth or division of cells in the liver. If you would like to know the symptoms of liver cancer and the treatment options available, continue reading this article.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Leukemia?


What are the Causes and Symptoms of Leukemia?

Leukemia is a serious ailment that can become life threatening if left untreated. Read this article if you want to know about symptoms and treatments. Though many of the symptoms are present with other illnesses, let your doctor know if you exhibit any of them.

What are the Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?


What are the Causes and Symptoms of Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is a serious ailment that requires immediate treatment. To learn about the signs of risk associated with cervical cancer and the symptoms of cervical cancer, continue reading this article.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer?


What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Bladder Cancer?

Bladder cancer is a serious ailment that requires immediate treatment. Read this article to learn about the signs and symptoms associated with bladder cancer.

Do Certain Foods Help to Prevent Cancer?


Do Certain Foods Help to Prevent Cancer?

There may be ways to lower your risk of developing cancer. Read this article to learn how food choices can help to prevent cancer.

Understand Treatment

What Are the Treatment Options for Colon Cancer?


What Are the Treatment Options for Colon Cancer?

Were you recently diagnosed with colon cancer? Want to learn what the treatment is? Basically, treatment of colon cancer depends on the stage of your cancer. So, it is going to vary depending on the individual. The main forms of treatment include surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. Continue to read this article to learn about how you will be managed.

Treating Breast Cancer


Treating Breast Cancer

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you will be assigned a Multidisciplinary team. This team involves a group of doctors specialized in different fields, such as radiologists, surgeons, and oncologists who will get together with you and plan your treatment. Learn how you can manage breast cancer.

The Right Nutritional Methods to Consider During Cancer Treatment


The Right Nutritional Methods to Consider During Cancer Treatment

Maintaining a healthy diet is important for having as much energy as you can when you are diagnosed with cancer. Read this article to learn about proper nutrition during cancer treatment.

Is a Mastectomy an Efficient Option to Treat Breast Cancer?


Is a Mastectomy an Efficient Option to Treat Breast Cancer?

One of the more common ways of treating breast cancer is through a mastectomy. To find out about the different types of mastectomies, and the factors that go into choosing the appropriate treatment, continue reading this article.